• Big Buds Bob started the topic Making the perfect Cannabis Butter/Oil in the forum Cannabis Cooking & Recipes 7 years, 10 months ago

    The key to making the best cannabis foods starts with the key ingredient, the cannabis oil. You can pretty much use any kind of oil, but the ones with the highest fat content are usually the best. My favorites are coconut oil for sweet foods and olive oil for savory foods. Some oils like rapeseed oil are good because they can be used for both since it has a very mild flavor.

    The most crucial part of making cannabis oil is to use a very low heat, you must never burn cannabis oil or it will be ruined. The best way I’ve found it to use a slow cooker set on the lowest temperature. This way you can leave it for hours knowing that it will not get too hot.

    Once your oil/butter is ready you can use it in place of regular non cannabis infused oil/butter in any of your favorite recipes!
