5 January at 10:27

Tommy Chong on Post-Trump Cannabis Policy

When it became official that Donald Trump was to be the next president of the United States, the whole world gasped in collective shock. Hell, even saying the words ‘President Trump’ at this stage feels weird…and that’s putting it lightly. The cannabis community in particular didn’t exactly take kindly to the notion of Trump taking [...]

3 January at 10:57

Massachusetts Cannabis Bill Delayed In Secret Session

One of the things we’ve learned since various North American states like Massachusetts decided to take cannabis to the polls is the fact that legalization isn’t quite as quick and easy as it seems. Even in instances where recreational or medicinal cannabis romped home with a decisive victory in the vote, actually getting things up [...]

30 December at 10:35

2017 Cannabis Predictions – An interesting Year Ahead

2016 turned out to be one of the most significant in the history of cannabis in the United States. Chances are, November’s vote will go down as a turning point for both the industry and attitudes to cannabis in general – both of which have changed largely beyond recognition across much of the country. Colorado [...]

29 December at 10:32

Scam Artists Target Maryland Patients with Early-Access Cannabis Cons

You’d like to think that medical marijuana would be the kind of thing that everyone with generally negative intentions would stay away from. If you’re on the critical side of the fence and don’t believe in the stuff, you have no right to tell others not to use it. They might not believe in prescription [...]

23 December at 10:51

DEA ‘Knows Cannabis Is Safe’, Won’t Give Up Its ‘Cash Cow’

Sometimes, hearing lawmakers, experts and officials admit that cannabis is actually safe can be extremely satisfying. Knowing that longstanding arguments in favour of cannabis legalization have been given further weight by those in prominent positions is generally only ever a good thing. But at the same time, there are also instances when and where these [...]

22 December at 10:38

Colorado Sells Cannabis Worth $1 Billion in 10 Months

Whichever way you look at it, Colorado is doing a fantastic job of proving just how beneficial the legalization of recreational cannabis can be. Not only has the black market for marijuana pretty much dried up state-wide and driven thousands of criminals off the streets, but the extent to which legal cannabis is benefiting the [...]

21 December at 11:01

Recreational Cannabis Is Go – Recount Cancelled in Maine

Across most North American states that took recreational and medical cannabis to the vote in November, the result had long since seemed like a foregone conclusion. In most instances, it proved as such - cannabis having been legalized by a relatively sizeable margin. However, the same couldn’t be said for things over in Maine. Despite [...]

19 December at 10:40

California Warned of Slow, Complicated Rollout of New Cannabis Legislation

For the cannabis community over in California, the one thing nobody wanted to see or hear was any kind of buzzkill following the passing of Proposition 64. Well, none other than the obvious bummer of Trump’s chosen cabinet so far, but that’s kind of by the by and we’ll see how it pans out. Unfortunately [...]

14 December at 11:30

How Can I Spread The Legalization Message?

Confused about Cannabis? Ask The Laughing Tree How can I help spread the legalization message? Tiago in Brazil Hi Tiago, Thank you for a great question! Being a part of the cannabis community, during this time of legalization and change on a global level, is truly exciting. And, it’s always a good reminder that it [...]

14 December at 10:41

UK Pot Policy ‘Embarrassingly’ Outdated, MPs Warn

The United Kingdom is falling embarrassingly, some say even dangerously behind when it comes to its domestic drugs policy. As the United States continues its journey towards total decriminalisation of cannabis, it’s as if things in the UK have somehow got stuck in a tired and frustrating loop. That’s the warning issued to the British [...]

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