The subject of cannabis legalisation in the United Kingdom is interesting, important and infuriating in equal measures. Any government willing to fire its leading government-appointed drug expert simply for telling the truth and not agreeing with archaic public health policy is always going to be an odd one. You’re a leading scientist, you proclaim quite rightly that alcohol is more dangerous than LSD and you are summarily fired from your post within 24 hours. By those with as much scientific prowess as you or I. (Professor Davit Nutt – a story you just have to check out in full!)

Of course, that was quite some time ago and global progress and attitudes to cannabis alike have changed a great deal in the interim. So given the fact that so many countries are legalising recreational cannabis and welcoming a world of wide-reaching benefits, why is the UK government not doing the same?

Or more importantly, why are they not even considering doing so with any real urgency?