If you know anything about cannabis, you’ll probably know a thing or two about CBD. If nothing else, you’ll know that CBD is non-psychoactive and therefore isn’t going to get you high. Precisely why the vast majority of stoners don’t really give a damn about this prominent and prevalent cannabinoid.
Still, there’s a growing raft of super-premium CBD-heavy strains doing the rounds, which are earning huge acclaim among cannabis connoisseurs worldwide. But why, realistically, should you (or anyone else) care about the kinds of cannabis strains that don’t get you high?
If there’s zero likelihood of a buzz in it for you, what’s the point?
The Importance of High CBD Strains
In order to grasp the importance of CBD-heavy cannabis strains, you need to consider at least the basic science of its interactions with the body. Without getting into too much detail, the endocannabinoid system in the human body has two main receptors – CB1 and CB2. Both of which have an effect on a variety of psychological and physical functions.
The CB1 receptor is closely connected with the central nervous system and the brain, influencing processes like the production of melatonin and serotonin. Feelings of contentment and the ability to get a good night’s sleep are therefore affected by the CB1 receptor.
Meanwhile, the CB2 receptor is a more general receptor throughout the body, regulating processes like the body’s response to inflammation and cell reproduction.
Given its powerful interactions with both the CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD can have a remarkably beneficial effect on a wide variety of bodily processes. From the treatment of insomnia to relief from chronic pain to a general mood-boost and psychological uplift, CBD is no less than an organic wonder-drug.
Getting high is one thing, but CBD has the capacity to benefit the body and brain on an entirely higher level. Best of all, there’s little to no evidence to suggest that it’s possible to overdose on CBD to a dangerous extent. Included in your daily cannabis lifestyle, a good dose of CBD could be more beneficial than you’d believe.
Top CBD Strains Right Now
For millions of medical marijuana patients worldwide, ingestion through edibles or concentrates is the way to go. Nevertheless, it somewhat takes away from the whole ceremony of consuming cannabis.
The good news being that if you want more CBD in your life, there are countless killer cannabis strains that pack a ton of the stuff. Some of which are as aromatic and delicious as it gets. They won’t get you high, but they’ll deliver a decent whack of CBD and its associated benefits accordingly.
So whether new to CBD or simply looking to increase your intake for any given reason, we’d strongly advise checking out one of the following CBD-heavy strains:
One of the most misleading and downright deceptive cannabis handles ever conceived, ACDC is less heavy metal and more gentle relief. An incredibly popular therapeutic strain of cannabis, ACDC is known to pack an extraordinary content of up to 20% CBD. Concentrations vary from one batch to the next, but almost always tower over those of comparable therapeutic strains.
Most importantly of all, the ratio of CBD to THC in a good batch of ACDC is around 20 to1. Meaning that you’ll typically be looking at no more than around 1% THC, which isn’t nearly enough to get even an uninitiated stoner high. No psychoactive effects whatsoever and a heavy hit of CBD – all packed into a flavourful strain that’s a joy to smoke.
ACDC is also a firm favourite for the production of CBD concentrates and edibles in medical cannabis circles worldwide.
For something a little more balanced – i.e. the best of both worlds – Harlequin represents an unbeatable choice. With most batches, you’ll be looking at a CBD content in the region of about 12%, which can sometimes reach 15% or slightly higher. It’s a strain with a CBD to THC ratio in the region of 5-to-2, meaning that with a quality batch with a 15% CBD content, you’d be looking at approximately 6% THC.
This means that while Harlequin delivers a heavy dose of therapeutic CBD, the effects of the THC can also be felt. Albeit, to a gentle extent. Along with getting to work on the brain and body therapeutically, Harlequin delivers a gentle mood-boosting effect and is a guaranteed stress-buster.
There’s nowhere near enough THC in it to trigger an OTT psychoactive high, but there’s nonetheless a delightful buzz in the background that enhances the whole experience.
Charlotte’s Web
In therapeutic cannabis circles, Charlotte’s Web has earned legendary status for its capacity to treat the potentially deadly symptoms of certain strains of epilepsy. Put to the test, Charlotte’s Web has demonstrated the power to significantly reduce both the frequency and severity of seizures in Dravet Syndrome patients.
Like ACDC, Charlotte’s Web boasts an incredibly generous CBD content that often falls between 15% to 20%. All with little to no THC whatsoever, meaning no psychoactive effects regardless of the dosage.
Charlotte’s Web is also famed for its light and delicate taste, which is palatable even for those who don’t normally appreciate the signature fragrance or flavour profile of pot.
Stephen Hawking Kush
Last but not least, Stephen Hawking Kush comprises a near-perfect balance of CBD and THC in a 1-to-1 ratio. An extraordinarily potent strain with up to 22% CBD and 22% THC, Stephen Hawking Kush delivers a high that’s as powerful as its therapeutic effects.
Stephen Hawking Kush is therefore the ideal choice for those looking to increase their CBD intake, while still enjoying the full effects of a THC-heavy cannabis strain.
The high CBD content does slightly dilute the potential potency of the 22% THC content, but this is still a strain that can knock even seasoned smokers into the middle of next week.