Nutrients have a tendency to complicate things significantly for newcomers to cannabis cultivation, though could not be of greater importance when it comes to delivering results. There are a few things that need to be taken into account when it comes to nutrients – the first of which being that the quality of the nutrients you use will have an enormous impact. Make no mistake about it, there’s a huge difference between nutrients thrown together for pennies and those manufactured using only the highest quality ingredients.

In addition, you also need to be aware of the fact that plants need entirely different nutrients in accordance with their current life cycle stage at the time. From seedlings to adolescents to flowering mature plants, you need to give them exactly what they need to do exactly what it is they need to do at the time. If you don’t, they cannot and will not perform to their full potential. It might all sound complicated, but realistically all you need to do is speak to a leading nutrient supplier for some advice and guidance as to what to use and when.