If you take a look at any 100 recipes that outline exactly how to make cannabis oil or butter, chances are 99 of them will tell you to grind the buds down as aggressively as possible. They basically advise you to reduce your cannabis to practically powder form, in order to get the very most out of it and make the very best final product. In reality however, this isn’t the way to go at all. The reason being that the resin you are looking to extract from the cannabis buds and leaves are on them, rather than inside them. As such, when you grind cannabis too aggressively before making cannabis oil or butter, all you end up doing is adding an excessive amount of additional plant material that’s of no benefit whatsoever. Instead, you only end up with overly strong herbal flavours and an excessive green colour that could have been avoided by chopping your cannabis buds a little more coarsely.