30 March at 1:45

10 Beautifully Balanced Cannabis Strains to Check Out

When it comes to the enjoyment and appeal of any given cannabis strain, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not to mention, the circumstances which call for consumption in the first place. In some instances, nothing will do better than a heady, energising and uplifting high that motivates you to conquer the world. [...]

25 June at 9:30

The Six Best-Selling Cannabis Strains in the US Right Now

Cannabis strain popularity varies hugely from one US region to the next. Likewise, just because a cannabis strain is popular doesn’t necessarily make it the ‘best’ on the market. Hence, we’re being diplomatic with this one, focusing on the best-selling strains in the US right now. Medical and recreational cannabis legalisation has transformed the face [...]

12 January at 10:20

The Biggest and Best CBD Strains Money Can Buy

At the risk of generalising, most cannabis users are all about tetrahydrocannabinol. THC being the psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for delivering that uplifting ‘high’ that’s synonymous with cannabis consumption. As such, it is common for cannabis users to search high and low for the strongest strains they can lay their hands on – ideally packing as [...]

25 July at 11:30

Swazi Gold, An African Sativa

A name that promises nothing less that treasure and a strain that delivers the goods. Swazi Gold is said to have made its way to Malawi in the 1940s and has since become one of the most important and widely used building blocks for contemporary cannabis engineers. It is famed for having a gloriously sweet [...]

12 July at 1:39

Aceh – An Indonesian Landrace

An increasingly rare strain that’s becoming more and more difficult to track down in the West, Aceh is a landrace strain you’re guaranteed to pronounce wrong the first few times. However, what you really need to know is that it’s a superb 100% Sativa strain that first emerged from the heart of Indonesia in the [...]

6 February at 11:26

The Ultimate

You’ve got a lot to live up to with a name like The Ultimate, but when you’re the creation of the legends at Dutch Passion, it’s pretty much what we’re used to seeing as standard. The Ultimate is an extremely well balanced Sativa/Indica hybrid, though they’ve done a good job keeping quiet where exactly it [...]

29 January at 10:55

S5 Haze

S5 Haze, this is the fella we’re talking about that’s slipped the net for most stoners – particularly in the US. Not only is it rare to find some for sale, but you’re also unlikely to come across a lot of people growing it. Why is this the case? Quite simply, it’s because S5 Haze [...]

15 January at 12:13

Super Lemon Haze

Super Lemon Haze has collected more awards over the years than we’ve time to get into right now. Suffice to say, two of these were no less than two Cannabis Cup trophies in a row, back in 2008 and 2009. Having started out as something of an unknown, this incredible Sativa hybrid quickly gained traction [...]

8 January at 11:10

Lashkar Gah an Indica Land Race

Lashkar Gah ticks a whole bunch of important boxes. It’s a strain that’s simple to grow, delivers an outstanding smoke and isn’t prone to catching noobs off-guard. It’s a legendary strain and a connoisseur’s choice that thrives in hot and sunny outdoor conditions with limitless space available. Plants have a tendency to be extremely tall, [...]

3 January at 11:10

Big Bud Delivers Big Yields

Big Bud is the kind of strain that makes a heavy promise and more than delivers on it. Famed all over the world for producing spectacularly large, sticky and dense buds, Big Bud is also known for delivering a very big high. Its origins are said to date back to the mid-80s, when the genetics [...]

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